Uitati cum ne trateaza BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8087898.stm. Cica suntem tigani batrani stirbi!
Le-am trimis o reclamatie scrisa. Tare sunt curios daca raspund!
Iata ce le-am scris. V-as indemna si pe voi sa le scrieti si sa le atrageti atentia ca nu suntem tigani!
Hello, My name is MADCAT, I am a Romanian citizen (first of all) and a EU citizen (lastly). I would like to inform you that in the article you have published you have insulted the entire Romanian population by showing a picture of a gypsy woman, implying that this is a Romanian citizen in "traditional clothes". This suggests a big lack of professionalism. Your "reporter" must have been misinformed - usually this happens to small free journals! I would like to remember you (because you are being such a colosal information organism, I don't consider I need to "inform" you) that Romania is not a country inhabited by monkeys who live in trees, that some of our young population in the villages still wears traditional clothes on various occasions, that we have teeth in our mouths (in fact we have dentists - is this something new for you?!), our skin color is white (well, just a bit browner than yours, but this is because we do go out in the sun from time to time), that we have cars and shops and airplanes and tap-water and cable television and football. And we export intelligence all over the world. We even export intelligence in your country. And we don't shout loudly in our papers that you are a nation of alcoholics and hooligans! So, perhaps next time you add a picture that is representative for your nation, you should not forget to watermark a nazi swastika over it! I'm really disgusted (oh, yes, did I mention we have feelings too?!) seeing that journalism is done by people like YOU exist!
Not so kindly yours,
job description.
daca iti trimit astia raspuns vreau sa`l vad si eu :D
ReplyDeleteCurios is si io, Doamne!
ReplyDeleteDaca imi trimit aia raspuns, clar il postez!!!
ReplyDeleteDar cred ca au scos poza ca nu o mai vad acolo ...
ReplyDeleteDa... ai dreptate Zamolxe... ce prost am fost ca nu am facut o captura de ecran pe vremea cand tiganca trona in mijlocul pozelor!
ReplyDeleteInseamna ca or primit destule reclamatii si batai de obraz!
BRAVO. Sunt mandru ca exista mai exista romani ca tine. Ceea ce a facut BBC se numeste lipsa de minima toleranta, ei sunt insularii detasatii si uite si maimutele traditionale din SE Europei!
ReplyDeleteSa le fie rusine!